Police have arrested around 50 Hong Kong supporters of democracy under the new National Security Act - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Police have arrested around 50 Hong Kong supporters of democracy under the new National Security Act

Police have arrested around 50 Hong Kong supporters of democracy under the new National Security Act


Hong Kong News - According to information received by World News, an opposition party and local media say that about 50 Hong Kong supporters of democracy have been arrested by the police under the new National Security Act. According to information received by World News, Hong Kong police on Wednesday for violating the new national security law by participating in an informal primary election last year to increase their chances of controlling the legislature, according to political parties and local media. Arrested about 50 pro-democracy figures.

Arrested on suspicion of sabotage

According to the information received by World News, people include former legalists and pro-democracy activists, South China Morning Post and online platform Now News. The mass arrests were the biggest move against Hong Kong's democracy movement since Beijing imposed national security laws in the semi-autonomous region in June last year. Police did not immediately comment on the arrest.

According to World News, at least seven members of Hong Kong's Democratic Party - the city's largest opposition party - were arrested, including former party president Wu Chi-wai. Former lawgivers Helena Wong, Lam Cheuk and James Two were also arrested, according to posts on the party's Facebook page.

According to local media reports, Hong Kong's 2014 Occupy Central protests

Beni Tai, a former law professor, was also arrested by the police. According to information received by World News, Tai was one of the main organizers of the primary. The house of pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, who was serving a 13 1/2-month prison sentence for participating in and participating in an unauthorized protest last year, was also raided, posted from Wong's account According to a tweet.

According to length based on local media reports of the arrest

According to information received by World News, all pro-democracy candidates participated in informal primaries. Police also went to the headquarters of Stand News, a leading pro-democracy online news site in Hong Kong, with a court order handing over documents to aid in investigations related to the national security law, according to a livestreamed video by Stand News. . No arrests were made.

Others have been charged under the National Security Act, including media tycoon and pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai

According to information received by World News, Hong Kong has already jailed several pro-democracy activists, including Wong and Agnes Cho, for participating in anti-democracy demonstrations. Others have been charged under the National Security Act, including media tycoon and pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lye. The Security Law criminalizes acts of sabotage, segregation, terrorism and collusion with foreign powers to interfere in the affairs of the city. Serious criminals can face a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

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