Alibaba Group owner Jack Ma has been missing for the last 3 months - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Alibaba Group owner Jack Ma has been missing for the last 3 months

Alibaba Group owner Jack Ma has been missing for the last 3 months


China News - According to information received by World News, Jack Ma had sharply criticized China's bankrupt financial regulators and state-run banks in a speech in Shanghai in October. After which he also had a dispute with Chinese President Xi Jinping. It has not been seen since last two months.

Owner Jack Ma of Alibaba Group is the 25th richest person in the world

According to information received by World News, his total assets are $ 50.6 billion. Let us know that Alibaba Group is the largest e-commerce company in China. Jack Ma had appealed to the Chinese government to make such a change in the system that does not try to suppress the effort to introduce new things in business. He called the global banking rules a 'club of elders'. China's ruling communist party erupted after this speech. Jack Ma's criticism was taken as an attack on the Communist Party.

Informed people called him the undisclosed envoy of China

He was one of the biggest rich in the world. His company Alibaba was compared to Jeff Bezos's Amazon. According to the information received by World News, people called him the undisclosed envoy of China. They were said to change the image of China in the world. From being an ordinary English teacher until the age of 35, Jack's story inspired millions of people to become the owner of China's largest company. Now the condition is that for two months no one has seen him. Newspapers and TV channels around the world are asking, 'Where is Jack Ma missing?'

The Chinese government is investigating disturbances in Jack Ma's company Ant Group

According to the information given to World News, in such a situation some people are speculating about his arrest and according to some, there is no restriction on his movement anywhere until this investigation is completed. Jack Ma was also barred from appearing in the finals of his debut show Afrikaans Business Heroes. Since October, his assets have fallen by more than 80 thousand crores.

Jack Ma was challenging China's power

Openly criticizing the flaws in China's financial system cost Jack Ma dearly. According to information received by World News, in 2013, in an interview to People's Daily, the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, Jack Ma criticized the Chinese government's interference in business. He described the government's financial system as beneficial for only 20% of the people.

Jack Ma was a worldwide superstar, this image became an enemy

According to information received by World News, Jack Ma's e-commerce and fintech businesses used to decide how Chinese people would shop, spend and save. Jack Ma was famous worldwide as the face of Chinese technology and undisclosed envoy to China. Jack Ma's grip on English and the most consistent personality brought him a different identity. His videos went viral on YouTube.

Used to frequent international conferences like Jack Davos

Used to give speeches like leaders. Sometimes, he used to dance like a Michael Jackson at a company event, sometimes he used to show his kung-fu skills in a short film. According to information received by World News, Jack Ma became very popular. More discussion with China's Supreme Leader Xi Jinping also posed a threat to him.


According to information received by World News, Jack Ma hit the target during a meeting on 24 October 2020. The meeting was attended by the biggest officials of Chinese politics and economy. In this, Jack Ma criticized Chinese banks. He said, 'The banks demand some mortgages for funding.

This does not fund new technologies and stops new experiments.

According to information received by World News, the Chinese rules were also said to be a hindrance in the way. According to the Wall Street Journal, when Chinese President Xi Jinping received information about Jack Ma's words, he became very angry and ordered Jack Ma to disappear from the scene.

The story of the destruction of Jack Ma written in this way

According to the information received by World News, what was the first, China in October 2020 halted the 2.7 million crore IPO of Jack Ma's Ant Group. Then a few days later China made 'anti trust rules'. Under these, investigations were started against Alibaba. This caused Alibaba's market cap to fall by more than Rs 10 lakh crore.

This attempt to re-structure one of the world's most valuable companies will make it into debt

According to the information received by World News, China went to such an extent to teach Jack Ma a lesson that his Central Bank has asked the officers of Ant Group to register their entire business according to the new rules so that credit, insurance and Problems related to money management can be removed. Direct responsibility of company officials was also fixed in case of any disturbance. According to Quartz, this attempt to re-structure one of the most valuable companies in the world will leave it in debt. Still, the ANT officials could not deny it.

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