Polish and Lithuanian governments say they are monitoring Russian cyber attacks - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Polish and Lithuanian governments say they are monitoring Russian cyber attacks

Polish and Lithuanian governments say they are monitoring Russian cyber attacks


Poland News - The Polish and Lithuanian governments say they have been the target of a cyber disintegration attack, which appears aimed at undermining relations between the two NATO allies. According to information received by World News Superfast, an official of the Polish government, Stanislav Tsarin, said - Russia appears to be the culprit, the type of attack recently in the pattern of information warfare directed by the Kremlin against NATO members on the east coast of the coalition is. Comes.

The cyber bait contained a false press release published last week

According to information received by the World News Superfast, it was claimed to have been released by the Lithuanian border guards. The fabricated statement said that Zarine, the head of Pol's security services, had caught a Polish diplomat smuggling drugs, firearms, explosives and extremist elements in Lithuania.

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry stated that work has been done in coordination with Lithuanian institutions

According to information received by World News Superfast, it has been determined that it was a significant cyber-information attack. It added that, there has been an increase in cyber-information attacks aimed at reducing friendly relations between Lithuania and Poland and eliminating discord. The hacking also involves a fake Facebook account which, in Polish, concerns a regional Polish official spreading the news.

The fashion in which it was attacked

According to information received to the World News Superfast, the fact that it targets relations between Poole and Lithuania, and the fact that it was another such cyber-campaign. Let us conclude that Russian may be the culprit. Zaryn said.

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