China planning to attack US soldiers, Trump receives report - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Thursday, December 31, 2020

China planning to attack US soldiers, Trump receives report

China planning to attack US soldiers, Trump receives report


USA NEWS - US troops stationed in Afghanistan are under threat. According to information received by World News, here China is plotting to attack these soldiers by paying money to the local people. US intelligence agencies have gathered strong evidence about this Chinese conspiracy. Recently, US President Donald Trump has also been given detailed information about this.

All attempts at ceasefire have so far failed

According to information received by World News, talks between the Taliban and the government in Afghanistan for restoration of peace are going on. However, China and Pakistan are working together to provoke the Taliban here. This is the reason why all the efforts of ceasefire have so far proved to be a failure.

US agencies have evidence

According to information received by World News, China released a special report about this conspiracy. In this, a senior US officer said - We know that China is now plotting to attack our soldiers deployed in Afghanistan through hired people.

The President has been given full information and report in this regard on 17 December. The American NSA Robert O'Brien himself arrived at Trump's office with this report. However, immediately after receiving information from Trump, this report also went to some media houses.

Russia is also part of the conspiracy

According to information received by World News, at the beginning of the year, there was also evidence of Russia's conspiracy of US intelligence agencies. It was then stated that Moscow planned a reward for killing American soldiers. Trump was also informed of this. Trump has not yet publicly spoken about it.

Picture not clear on biden

According to the information received by World News, it is not yet clear whether President Elect Joe Biden has been informed about this Chinese conspiracy. However, he is being given an intelligence briefing daily. The special thing is that the White House and Biden's transition team have not told the media about it so far. Many in the US are asking the question whether Biden will follow Trump's aggressive strategy towards China or will he be soft.

However, during the campaign, Biden had shown an extremely aggressive stance on China several times

According to information received by World News, Chinese President Xi Jinping was even named as a thug. The skepticism on Biden is because during Obama's time when he was the Vice President, his attitude towards China was quite soft.

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