Black fungus dangerous new disease - What is this? - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Black fungus dangerous new disease - What is this?

Black fungus dangerous new disease - What is this?


India News - A new disease is emerging in the patients who have been cured of corona in the country. This disease is so dangerous that people have to cut their body parts to save their lives. Its cases first surfaced in Delhi in early December. After this, after the Gujarat similar case came up in Ahmedabad, the state government issued advisory to avoid this. Many similar cases have also been reported in Rajasthan and Punjab. Some of these patients died, and some had to be removed even to protect them from infection. The name of this new infection is black fungus.

What is black fungus?

It is a fungal disease. Which is caused by a fungal named Mucharamiosis. This happens mostly to those people who already have a disease or are taking medicine that reduces the immunity of the body or reduces the strength to fight other diseases of the body. It can occur in any part of the body.

How does it reach the body and what can be the effect?

Mostly through our breath, the fungus present in the environment reaches our body. If there is some kind of wound in the body or the body is burnt, then this infection can spread from there. If it is not detected in the initial stages, then the eyes can go light. Or the part of the body in which these fungus is spread, that part of the body can rot.

Where is black fungus found?

This is very serious, but a rare infection. This fungus can live anywhere in the environment, especially in the ground and rotting organic matter such as leaves, rotten wood and compost manure.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of this disease depend on the part of the body that has an infection. Swelling of the face from one side, headache, nasal congestion, vomiting, fever, chest pain, sinus congestion, upper part of the mouth or black sores in the nose, which become very rapid.

To whom do these infections occur, is there any connection with the corona?

• It happens to people who are diabetic, who have cancer, who have had an organ transplant, who have been using steroids for a long time, who have a skin injury, it can also happen to a premature baby.

• The immune system of people who are having corona also becomes weak. If a high diabetic patient has corona, then his immune system becomes more vulnerable. In such people, the possibility of spreading black fungus infection is increased.

• Steroids are given to corona patients. This reduces the immunity of the patient. This also increases the possibility of infection spreading in them.

How dangerous is this fungus?

• It is not a communicable disease, that is, it does not spread from one patient to another patient. But, how dangerous it is. It can be estimated from this that 54% of its patients die. Mortality rate may increase or decrease depending on where the body is in infection.

• Sinus infection has a mortality rate of 46%, while a lung infection may result in a mortality rate of 76%, whereas in a diseased infection, the mortality rate can be as high as 96%. The US Agency for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report says this. In the same report, it is reported that in every type of infection in the world, only 2% of cases of mukaramiosis infection occur.

• This fungus destroys the area in which it develops. In such a situation, if its effect occurs in the head, then many types of diseases occur, including brain tumors, which prove fatal. It can be avoided if treated on time. If it reaches the brain, then the mortality rate is 80%. Many people have become weak due to corona, so this fungal infection has also increased.

How can it be avoided?

• Stay away from construction site, do not go to dusty area, wear full sleeves gloves while gardening or farming, wear masks, avoid going to places where there is water leakage, where drainage water is collected.

• People who have corona should have a positive approach. Regular coronation should be done even after the corona is cured. If there are any symptoms of fungus then one should immediately go to the doctor. Due to this, this fungus will be caught in the initial phase and it will be treated in time.

• With the slightest delay in treatment, the part of the patient's body where this fungal infection has occurred starts to rot. In this case it may have to be cut out. If not doing so, the patient's life can also be lost.

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