What Do You Think? - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Sunday, April 5, 2020

What Do You Think?

     From Syracuse.com:
Joe Huppman didn’t hesitate to answer the urgent plea last month for retired doctors and nurses to help New York fight the coronavirus pandemic in hospitals stretched thin by a surge in patients.  
Huppman, 64, of Camillus, volunteered to return to the Syracuse VA Medical Center where he worked as a nurse for 17 years until retiring in 2017. He’s now on standby to help if needed. 
If he’s called to duty, Huppman and other retired medical personnel like him will be asked to make a financial sacrifice: The Social Security Administration will cut their benefits if they work too many hours, a penalty for exceeding annual earnings limits.
Huppman and others who started collecting Social Security before their full retirement age of 65 will have $1 deducted from their benefit payments for every $2 they earn above the earnings limit of $18,240 this year. 
Huppman shared his concerns with U.S. Rep. John Katko, who wants to change the law as the coronavirus takes its toll on the U.S. and stretches hospitals and first responders to historic limits. ...

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