SSI Recipients Must File Tax Returns To Get Stimulus Payments - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Monday, April 13, 2020

SSI Recipients Must File Tax Returns To Get Stimulus Payments

     It's now official. If you're an SSI recipient who is not also receiving benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act, you must file a "tax return" in order to get the economic stimulus payments recently enacted. The "tax return" can only be filed online.
     This is terrible. It's completely unnecessary. Social Security's databases already contain all the information needed to make the payments. Social Security's databases are already being used to pay those receiving Title II benefits.
     This is a problem because many SSI recipients will never received the payment they are due because:
  • They don't know that they need to file a "tax return" and no one is making any meaningful effort to tell them.
  • They lack internet access.
  • They lack an e-mail address, which is required to complete the "tax return."
  • They can't figure out how to use the online form.
  • The "tax return" requirement is going to generate a lot of calls to Social Security at a time when the agency already hopelessly overburdened with calls.
     Some may respond, wondering who lacks internet access and who lacks an e-mail address and who can't figure out how to complete the simple form. Many SSI recipients, that's who. If you actually deal with SSI recipients you already know this. If you don't, listen to someone who does. SSI recipients are far poorer, far less educated and far less sophisticated than most people can imagine.
     Why is this requirement imposed upon SSI recipients? I can't think of a reason other than hostility towards poor people.
     To respond to responses I know I'll get, of course SSI recipients haven't lost wages because of Covid-19. So what? Most people receiving the payments haven't lost income due to Covid-19. That's not the point of the payments.

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