Medicare Part B Problems - Latest & Breaking News, Politics, Entertainment News


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Medicare Part B Problems

     From the Associated Press:
At greater risk from COVID-19, some seniors now face added anxiety due to delays obtaining Medicare coverage.
Advocates for older people say the main problem involves certain applications for Medicare's "Part B" coverage for outpatient care. It stems from the closure of local Social Security offices in the coronavirus pandemic. ...
Social Security handles eligibility determinations for Medicare, and while many issues can still be resolved online, some require personal attention. That can now entail hold times of 90 minutes or more to reach Social Security on its national 800 number, according to the agency's website. ...
Fred Riccardi, president of the advocacy group Medicare Rights Center, said an already cumbersome process has been exacerbated by the pandemic shutdown, raising the risk that some seniors will fall into a coverage gap or end up owing penalties. ...
His organization is among groups asking Congress to hold seniors harmless from Medicare application problems during the coronavirus emergency. It's unclear how many are affected.
Social Security declined several interview requests and instead sent The Associated Press written responses to questions. The agency said it has seen an increase in requests for Part B enrollment because of older workers losing job-based coverage.
Social Security said it worked with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to waive certain signature requirements for Part B forms during the pandemic and has set up a dedicated fax number to receive applications.
Social Security gets credit for trying, said Leslie Fried of the National Council on Aging, but that "I don't know anyone who has a fax machine anymore." ...
Social Security said the pandemic did lead lead to much longer telephone holds, but its latest weekly average was down to 45 minutes, depending on when a person calls and whether others are trying at the same time. Agency employees have been able to continue to serve the public by teleworking. ...
     What's that "dedicated fax number to receive applications"? That certainly hasn't been publicized. Applications for what? Just Part B? Is that national or local? Don't they still need "wet signatures"?
     Second, Leslie Fried doesn't know anyone who has a fax machine anymore? I don't know what to say in response to that other than LOL!

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